Saturday’s Book: “Teenage Romance or How to Die of Embarrassment” By Delia Ephron

Yes, yes, I DO know that Nora Ephron is the one who recently passed away. I was just reading about her again in TIME magazine, and have read about her several times in other places.

However, despite having reallly enjoyed the movie “When Harry Met Sally”, I have never actually read any of her books. Till today I thought I had read one. Turns out though, (thank you, Google!) that ” If Life is a Bowl of Cherries What am I Doing in the Pits” was written by Erma Bombeck…


On the other hand, I have a very clear memory of getting Delia Ephron’s  book “Teenage Romance” as a gift for my 19th birthday. I remember finding it both amusing and relevant and being really frustrated that I couldn’t  share it with my friends as it didn’t have a Hebrew translation back then. As far as I can tell, it still hasn’t been translated into Hebrew.

What I don’t remember is to whom I gave the book to. I hope it was my niece when she was a younger teen than I was when I got it.  All I know is I haven’t had it on my shelf for many years now. In any case, I hope it is making the rounds among people who enjoy it!

2 thoughts on “Saturday’s Book: “Teenage Romance or How to Die of Embarrassment” By Delia Ephron”

  1. Hi Naomi!

    You always have something great to recommend – the truth is, I have never read any of either Ephron’s books – but I think I have read articles of Nora’s. She really had a gift for writing.

    I am embarrassed to say that I haven’t seen “When Harry Met Sally” either, which is a classic – maybe now, during the holidays : )

    Thanks so much!

    1. Vicky!
      Life reminds me of books! I hadn’t thought of this book in a long time but reading about Nora Ephron brought it all back.
      DO see the movie!

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