Saturday’s Book: “December” by Elizabeth H. Winthrop

This book surprised me every step of the way. Every time I was positive that it was now clear how the rest of the story would play out, the plot veered in another direction.

The last 85 pages – I simply ignored everything I was supposesed to be doing at home and read them in one sitting.

I chose the book fairly  randomly. It was one of those library visits when I get discouraged beccause I can’t find any of the titles I am looking for and every book I pull off the shelf seems to be the “your uncle is really your father” type, which I detest. The review quoted on this one states ” This extraordinary novel seduces as it also challenges”. “Challenges” sounded promising!

The book presents a family of three dealing with an 11 year old daughter who stopped talking. The plot progresses as we see things each time from the point of view of each of the parents and the daughter. Be warned, it is a deceptively  “slow” book. There are a lot of descriptions of different sorts (winters in New England & New York , feelings,) and you may think things aren’t “moving”. Then suddenly you realize they most certainly have been moving. I’m not spoiling anything by saying that there IS a happy end, since I had no inkling of how they would get there. And isn’t the journey what a book is all about, not the destination?

2 thoughts on “Saturday’s Book: “December” by Elizabeth H. Winthrop”

  1. Hi Naomi!

    Wow, this sure does sound like an exciting book – the kind that I like with a lot of twists and unexpected developments!

    I think my loved ones (who always look at my book wishlist) are going to be shocked at the number of books I’ve added there – lol!

    Thank you so much,

  2. Vicky!
    I don’t know if “exciting” is the right word, perhaps “engrossing” is better. I enjoyed it a lot.
    At least your family doesn’t have to agonize over what gift to get you – we have some members in our extended family who are so hard to buy for!

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