My blog is two years old today! I’m rather awed by the fact, I must admit. I had no idea what would happen when I posted my first post. Yet here I am, two years later, my head full of comments, thoughts and books that are just waiting to be blogged about. Writing has become synonymous with reflection for me.
So why am I “in limbo” and not simply rejoicing? Here’s the chain of events that has left me hanging in the air:
A while back I applied for a scholarship and sent in a speaker proposal for IATEFL Conference in Liverpool, this coming April. Nothing gained if nothing ventured, isn’t that how the saying goes?
I didn’t get the scholarship.
But my speaker proposal was accepted! Oh my goodness!!
First there were agonizing debates with myself, my husband and some friends – attending a conference abroad is an expensive adventure. We’re cautious people who work hard and plan our expenses carefully.
However, my blog’s second birthday isn’t the only event of the year (The Jewish year is from Sept. to Sept., you know!). I’ve been a teacher since I was 23 year old. I’m turning 50 this June and speaking at IATEFL isn’t something I have done before.
So, we decided to go for it!
Then why the limbo, you may ask?
I need permission to go as I will be missing a few days at school. My school principal and school inspectors have been wonderfully supportive (IATEFL sends a beautiful official- looking letter with its logo) and I REALLY appreciate their support. However, it seems that someone higher up in the Ministry of Education needs to approve it as well and sign documents. When will that happen? Will it happen?
I don’t know. Hence the limbo. Those two short sentences make a nice ryhming sound when said together but they leave me feeling uptight. Flights need to be found, dues need to be paid, accomodation issues solved (anyone looking for a roomate for the conference?) not to mention a talk to be prepared.
In any case, I can talk about books with real pleasure. I’m still reading (and enjoying) An Equal Music. Meanwhile, here are some recent reccomendations from readers of the blog:
Baiba Svenca recommended The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova. She said she didn’t want the book to end!
Janet Toar couldn’t put down the book “Sacred Hearts”, by Sarah Dunnant
Shulamith reccomends a site of Winter Poems to warm you up. She encourages the Israeli readers to enjoy it quickly – Winter is awfully short around here!
A book Vicky Loras recently read and really liked was “Scenes From Village Life” by Amos Oz.
I’m delighted to receive recommendations, so keep them coming!
Congratulations, Naomi! On both accounts! Yes, it IS expensive, isn’t it? I often wonder how people can do it. I just assume that they must have some sore of financing from their school, state, or whatever. I’ve been compiling excuses for me to go to Liverpool and you’ve just made that list longer! But, seriously, I don’t think I can afford to. In my case, it’s not only the cost of flight & accommodation, but also the loss of income. If it had been the week before Good Friday, it might have been more possible as Spain celebrates Easter week on the week leading up to Easter Sunday.
Thanks so much Chiew, but hold on to the coference congrats – haven’t gotten the coveted final authorization paper yet! Yup. loss of income is a factor here too. I see it as a once-in-a-lifetime kind of experience. The combination of cost and missing school days is not promising.
Maybe it will work out for you next year!
Happy birthday! Meeting you and dining at your house this year was a great highlight for me. Hope to see you in the following year and may your next blog birthday be full of inspiration 🙂
It was your 30Goals that really got me into blogging!
If everything works out and I DO go to Liverpool, will I see you there?
First of all…..
I wish you the very best – your blog is among my absolute favourites! Here’s to many more years of blogging.
A book I recently read and really liked was “Scenes From Village Life” by Amos Oz.
Big hugs and warmest wishes for a Happy Chanuka,
Now its a real celebration with a proper Vicky whoop! Thanks!
I hope everything works out and I DO go. The suspense is driving me crazy!
Are you going?
Adding your recommendation right now!
Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement!
Unfortunately I am not going, Naomi…end of March and April are difficult for me to get away, as we do intensive classes with our exam students.
But you should go and have a super whoop time!
So, I guess we’ll be meeting elsewhere!
Happy Hanukkah!
Go and have a wonderful time! So exciting!
Wish I could go and sub for you : )
What a wonderful offer, Arlene!
Thank you very much!
Wish we could meet…
Mazal Tov on being an official speaker! They’re lucky to get you.
Jet setting in the conference circuit is the new cool.
Your talk could be compiled of so many cool lesson plans and student reactions.
Let us help!
Thank you Judih!
Haven’t gotten the final stamp of approval yet so I’ll have to hold my breath some more, sigh.
Would love to discuss it with you. I submitted an outline of the talk, of course.
Thanks for your ongoing support of my ups and downs, Judih!
Happy Blog Birthday!!! Wishing you lots more candles and great posts 🙂
Thank you so much Marissa!
If it all comes together and I go, will you be there?
Happy Birthday!
Two years? So we started blogging more or less at the same time then.
As Shelly said above, that dinner at your place was a great idea. Thank you for the invitation. Hope things will work out for you with IATEFL and all. If you need any help, just give me a shout.
Thanks a lot, Leo!
You know there is a standing invite for all our friends from abroad and that always includes you!
I’m sure I will need your advice again soon -thanks for your offer to help!
Happy Blog Birthday!
Glad to have you among my PLN Naomi ^_^
Oh,and happy holiday to you!
ps: I didn’t get the scholarship too 🙂
Thank you Icha!
So sorry you didn’t get the scholarship. I’ll send you extra special thoughts next time applications come around! I hope we will meet somehow!
I really hope you get to go! Waiting is the worst thing, it really is.
You KNOW what I mean! I don’t know what I would have done if I HAD won the blogathon last year (came in second place). It was even later in the year and the whole process of permission takes so long!
Happy belated blog birthday, Naomi!
Sorry for the limbo and hope it’s resolved soon, but indeed this is a great conference to have done once in your lifetime!
Best of luck and we’ll be rooting for you!
Thanks Brad!
I hope all the vibrations will get things moving, the suspense is killing me!
Will you be there?
Happy Blog Birthday!
I only have a one-bed room, but @esolcourses suggested booking the Liverpool Central Strand Travelodge There are still rooms for £27 a night, which is a pretty good deal. Apparently it’s close to the venue.
Hope you manage to get everything else sorted- fingers crossed for you.
Rachael (@teflerinha)
Thank you SO much for this tip. If only I had an official answer already! I hope the rooms are still available when I get the document – the prices are for non – refundable rates!
Hope to see you there!
Fingers crossed that you get to go to Liverpool!
Congrats on getting to your 2nd year ‘Blogiversary’, in my opinion, it’s a wonderful learning adventure that I don’t think I’ll ever give up (almost 7 years in now for me:)
Enjoy the holidays,
Thanks a million, David!
Seven years! I hope to follow in your footsteps!