I’ve Entered a Competition!

That’s a very odd thing for me to say.

I’m REALLY not a competitive person.

The competition is a blogathon. And blogging is all about collaboration, not competition! I can get really excited about what other people have posted without feeling less proud of my own post!

Despite all of that, first prize at this blogathon is HUGE – an all expenses paid trip to IATEFL in Glasgow!

So I DID enter the competition!

The number of participants in this blogathon is also HUGE, so I have decided to focus on making a splash.

Since I cannot keep up with “double blogging” (don’t forget my Hebrew blog too!) for the next few weeks I will be letting you all know what I have posted on the competition’s blog. You can comment there – the judges also look at comments!

So here’s the first post. A familiar topic but most certainly not one you have read before!

Yes, teacher! Google and I did my homework!

12 thoughts on “I’ve Entered a Competition!”

  1. Best of luck to you, Naomi! Look forward to the next post, it’s a very very relevant topic! Ian 🙂

  2. Thank you all so much for your support! It seems odd to post there. I feel a bit limited by the 250 word limit and no use of pictures.
    And I don’t feel as relaxed as I do on my own blog!
    And there is laundry waiting for me…

    Will be announcing new post shortly. waiting for it to be moderated.

  3. I always used to tell my kid, “I may not be smarter than you, but I definitely have more experience.” Bearing that in mind, make google and google-translator part of your homework. You are already halfway there. Ask them for the different translations and have THEM explain the differences; ask them to find the mistakes in the translations. For your weak students you can always provide the different options for them to choose from.
    When I was a little girl, couldn’t have been more than eight, I read the book “Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Dunn_and_the_Homework_Machine Loved it and have never forgotten the “punchline”. When Danny and his friends figured out a way to get the computer to do their homework, their teacher outsmarted them by giving them more and more homework. The catch was that for every new task they had to first upload the information, so in fact they were busy learning even though they were convinced that they were fooling the teacher.6

  4. What a great example, Judy!
    I most certainly allow the kids to use the technology, just trying to make sure I won’t say “Oh no, no Enlgish was used when doing this assignment!!”

    1. Thank you! I’m SO not competitive and calling one blog better than another doesn’t seem right.
      Still, I’d love to go to IATEFL!

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