Naomi’s Photos
I finished reading this book three weeks ago and I’m still thinking about it.
For me, that’s an excellent sign.
I found “Happiness” to be a book that was very readable, yet had theĀ sort of combination I like:
- a plot that moves forward, interesting characters (there’s some romance too), and historical connections
- There’s so much else going on too. Some of which was apparent to me as I read, while other connections I realized after I had completed it.

Naomi’s Photos
I don’t want to say much about the plot – I knew nothing about the book except that it was warmly recommended, and I’m glad for it. I’d be delighted to correspond about it after you’ve read it!
Most of the story takes place in London, some In New England, while Sierra Leon and other locations come up as well.
While the locations are interesting, the book is about people, animals and people, people and people, trauma and resilience, hope, and, of course,