Note: This is part seven of a new Saturday series, in which I, with crowdsourcing help, try to unravel the mysteries hidden in previously unknown letters written by my mysterious step-great aunt Dvora /Dora before and during WWll in Poland. For further explanations see previous post.
The answer to last week’s unknown subject at the University is stomathology, which means Dentistry. Thanks again to Beata & Sandy for the answer!
This week’s letter is clearly dated – March 18, 1939. Almost a half a year before the war. Do you think the women really wore particularly fashionable dresses at that time ( “a great luxus”) or did it just seem that way to a 19 year old girl who couldn’t afford any?
Dear Lillian,
There passed a long time, that I did not write to you a letter. Believe me, that I am to occupied with the house work and troubles that I forgett even in myself. Many times I wish to sit and write to you some words, bit so it happens that I have nothing good to write you and I am also very lazy to write. But in your letter to me I find so much warm words, I feel after reading it, that beside sickness and troubles I have even far from me an heart which loves me a little. Is it not true? Now is the Saturday at evening. All the day I set at house and I write you the letter.
Very good news I have not to write to you, the same as your letter does not bring them. You know, many times I fall in such a desperation that I think that over our family hangs such a fate, which directs our life. I see that all my school friends study farther, they dress themself according to the latest mode, they know from a life. None of them does not live in such troubles as I. The same is with Bluma and Feige in Palestine and aslo with you in U.S.A. Bluma is a very beautiful girl (so she was when she goes to Palestine, now I do not know). Now she is in Palestine, she must work hard and care for herself and what has she there? The same is with you. But better not to speak.

I myself am also a little ill. I went to a physician and he said that it is aneme (wanting of blood). {obviously anemia,} He said that it comes from troubles et cetera. He said that I must leave the home for a month (because he cures my mother and the father, so that he knows all). But it is (not) possible, as it is (not) possible for me to come to America, But let I have such a trouble with my mother as with myself. All my time I spend at house, I does not go to any place, Many times I can not leave the house and the mother and sometimes when I can go or I have not fit clothes (there is is to day a great luxus in the country).
To be continued (it’s a long letter)…
Looking forward to next bit. X
Make sure you have a tissue ready, Laura. It doesn’t get happy…