Saturday’s Book: “Danny and the Dinosaur” by Syd Hoff

I have a five year old nephew whom I’m trying to get interested in dinosaurs. When our boys were younger they were crazy about dinosaurs.

I’ve got to get a hold of this book for him. It is perfect for this age – a simple story about a boy and a dinosaur who decides to step out of the museum and play with him. Funny but also (odd as it may sound) grounded in reality. A fairly old book, but it lodged itself in my brain!

For older children and adults, there are the FANTASTIC “Dinotopia”  books, which I posted about when I just began this blog, here.

2 thoughts on “Saturday’s Book: “Danny and the Dinosaur” by Syd Hoff”

  1. Hi Naomi!

    My niece absolutely loves dinosaurs and that book – she is six-and-a-half! It is surely going to get your nephew hooked : ) I would also recommend “Harry and a Bucket Full of Dinosaurs” ; )

    Best wishes,

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