IATEFL Dreams Fading Fast

Photo by Omri Epstein

It’s been six weeks since I first requested to attend the IATEFL conference during the school year, following the acceptance of my speaker proposal. The speaker acceptance document  has the name of the school on it and I included it in my request.

I was told that the proposal must go through 3 stages in the hierarchy of my superiors. The final green light must come from the head district’s office. Nobody told me that getting the document through those stages would be like taking on a fourth job – a job that I am obviously not qualified enough for.

The general attitude seemed till now to be “the right way to apply is for us to know and you to guess”. FOUR times my application was returned from second base to first base because something was incorrectly presented. Not only was I not told (till the fourth time) what the problem was, I was also not informed that it had been returned. Endless phone calls led me each time to the discovery of my application’s status.

Still I persevered. After the fourth time I was told, by phone, that all was in order and that as we speak my application was being delivered by hand to the head office.

When I called that office a week later to try and find out how long it would take to receive an answer (and who would inform me that there even was an answer) I was told that no such application had reached the head office.

That’s it. I can’t continue calling people every two days. I don’t even know how to continue after being told that it was being delivered when it wasn’t. I have no flights and no accommodations. I’m trying to have a life here and a fourth job wasn’t in the bargain.  I plan to continue working at this school, and in the national school system, for at least another 10 years. I can’t make a “big stink” over it.

Other interesting things are happening in my life. Building my first online course with Edmodo. Have left my Pilates class in favor of a larger gym which will enable me have both yoga classes and aerobic activity – I spend a lot of time working but not nearly enough being physically active… I feel relief since deciding not to run after these “bases” anymore.

I haven’t cancelled the session at IATEFL yet. I DID set something in motion. It would be awful if I got a letter of approval right after I cancelled. Still, I can’t delay much longer. I think I will wait two weeks.

Perhaps it is for the best. I’m so exhausted (and somewhat hurt) that perhaps I wouldn’t be putting my best foot forward at the conference. More importantly, I need to decrease stress. No wonder I’m so excited about my new Yoga class. I’ve only had two lessons so far but there is something very relaxing about it!

11 thoughts on “IATEFL Dreams Fading Fast”

  1. Naomi, I’m so sorry to hear about all this. I don’t think it’s unusual for people to pull out pretty late on, so I’d just wait and see. But how frustrating for you!

    1. Thank you Rachael!
      I can’t wait too long both emotionally and technically. At least I will be able to get some of the conference fees I paid returned.
      Thanks for your support!

  2. I’m sorry to hear of your troubles with this, Naomi. There is nothing more frustrating than unclear process and resulting confusion. Sometimes, one must just accept it and move on to something more immediately productive. Aside from administrative issues that have plagued me since I began working at the university, I too have faced some frustration regarding IATEFL, but my hopes in going were dashed quickly, like a bandaid being ripped off when you think there’s no hair.

    1. Tyson,
      At the moment your bandaid image sounds attractive – one can then move on.
      I hope you get to go next year!

  3. Oh Naomi,
    What a ridiculous mess. You’ve been so proactive, so diligent in discovering your status, so at least you can be assured of your own side of the story.
    Meanwhile, a new yoga class! A very good trade

    best to you

    1. It does sound ridiculous, doesn’t it? And that is the summmarized version…
      Judih, I am so thrilled with my new Yoga classes!

  4. Hi Naomi,

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. Why don’t you go to “the big boss” herself and ask for help? It’s ridiculous that you have to go through all these loops but then we all know how these places are run.


    P.S. Hope to see you at the event on the 6th

    1. Leo,
      I have to work in this system. I can’t bypass people whose recommendation I need. Perhaps if I had more time to sit in their offices…
      I’ll be coming to the event on the 28th.

  5. Hi Naomi,
    I’m so sorry you had to go through all this and that the issue still isn’t resolved. I’m sure you would have given a wonderful presentation. I hope it works out. If not, at least you can take all the stress and anger out at the gym! 🙂
    Hope everything works out for the best,

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