Full disclosure one – As a teacher of Deaf and hard of hearing students, I am back at school part-time (the rest of the school system is not back yet). Since many subjects are being crammed into half the hours, my high-school students are not getting anywhere near the required number of English lessons a week at school. So, the Vocabulary 400 Project has been relegated to distance learning.
Full disclosure two – I haven’t figured out all of the 400 ways to run out of milk yet, but I’m working on it.
“Figure out“? “Run out of“?
Both of these chunks are included in our Vocabulary 400 Project – an attempt to provide online exposure and an active way to engage with 400 advanced vocabulary items taken from a list supplied by the Ministry of Education.
So, why discuss milk?!

Naomi’s Photos
For me, the chunks “run out of” always brings to mind “milk” first, even though I have often run out of both “time” and “patience” in the classroom over the years.
The activities I have been creating for the Vocabulary 400 Project attempt to help the students forge such automatic connections between the target words (or chunks) and vocabulary items that go with them, via tasks only using reading/writing.
I say “attempt”, as in “hope”, because my students’ lack of exposure to oral input (little to no incidental learning from other sources) make such a goal even harder to achieve than it already is.
The word “achieve” is on our list too.
Here are links to online worksheets from the project.
The first two worksheets are brand new.

Naomi’s Photos
The others have been updated – I learned “the hard way” that providing links to Quizlet Sets on the worksheets is a very BAD idea. It seems that only people who sign into accounts on Quizlet can see the complete list of vocabulary items.
- Time to Make Lists! https://www.liveworksheets.com/hu1281226qi
- Are you tired of staying home? Let’s Go Camping! https://www.liveworksheets.com/tp1269637hh
- Let’s go camping answer sheet 400 Vocab camping answers PDF
- The Last Knit – Chunks in Context https://www.liveworksheets.com/na1186961cs
- Chunks – Part One https://www.liveworksheets.com/gz1180997rg

I can’t share the link to the Padlet board as it has the students’ names on it. The board is arranged in columns. The students are asked to write a sentence of their own in each column, according to the target word at the top of the column.
How to “run out of milk”:
- Have some milk cartons leaking all over your doormat when the delivery person places the bags from the supermarket there.
- Feed all the neighborhood cats.
- Make insane amounts of pudding.
- Prepare jars and jars of overnight oats with milk.
- Forget to buy milk.
- Spill milk all over the counter every time you use it.
- Bring milk to work for everyone’s coffee.
Oh, there are so many more ways to run out of milk – feel free to add them in the comment section!
I am being haunted by the knitting lady!!!!!!
Haha – I hope you have better dreams, Francine!
i cannot imagine you running out of milk, and if you do you certainly will never run out of ideas, they pour out of you, as we stand by and accept them with the greatest of joy and awe.
Thank you very much!