My PLN ACTUALLY Got My Classroom Computer Hooked Up to the Internet!


As my PLN is SUPER HELPFUL I was determined to make the most of my classroom computer even though it wasn’t connected to the Internet. With such support I had lots of useful suggestions to try.

Well, my PLN has turned out to be quite a formidable source of influence, even from afar! On May 3rd I was told that the woman in charge of the computers had decided that I’d better be given an Internet connection and AS OF TODAY MY CLASSROOM IS CONNECTED TO THE WORLD!!!

If you want to know how this came to be, I’m reposting the May 3rd post describing the sequence of events. You can read it here.


Imagine me handing out virtual champagne, or orange juice, whichever you prefer!  I know the picture below represents  neither of them but THAT got me very excited and feeling the power that having a network of teachers has given me gets me very excited too!


Thank you everyone! I plan to continue “picking your brains”!

4 thoughts on “My PLN ACTUALLY Got My Classroom Computer Hooked Up to the Internet!”

  1. Sandy!
    Oh – you’ll know all about it! I’ll be pestering you with questions! I really value your advice!
    Thank you again!

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