Saturday’s Book: “Encore Provence” by Peter Mayle

Since we’re going to Provence (and the French Alps!) in a few weeks, I decided I should read this book to get into the spirit of things.

I read and enjoyed “A year in Provence” many years ago, though the book I remember better is Hotel Pastis, with its amusing tales of the cycling-bank-robbers and the extra cyclist.

I didn’t choose it as a travel guide. I don’t expect literature to do that and who would choose a travel guide that was published in 1999?!

But the book DOES try to be a travel guide. And instead of being lighthearted and endearing, I found parts of it to be tiresome and repetitive. Particularly as I’m not a “foodie”!

I still have a warm spot in my heart for Peter Mayle but the previous books were much better!

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